In the beginning when God created the universe he formed the angelic realm, and one of his finest angel named Lucifer, a cherubic angel, perfect in his beauty, planned to be as God"s equal after a time and live independently from him. Out of envy and jealousy Lucifer gathered other angels and made his infamous rebellion, which got him and his following angels expelled from heaven, God"s abode. The fallen angels who followed Lucifer, the lightbearer, are named demons since their fall. Afterward God formed the first man, Adam, and gave him dominion over all the animals he had created. Out of Adam"s ribs God formed an helpmate suited to accompany him and her name was called Eve. The Lord also had placed two tree in the garden of Eden where he had placed our first parent, Adam and Eve, and told them they could eat of any tree in the garden but one, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. On the day that they would eat of it they would certainly die and suffering would be brought to all their descendant. When God made the first humans he wrote on their heart the law of nature and thought them wath was good and wath was evil, wath to do and wath to abstain from. One day Eve was by herself and Lucifer, that serpent of old, called Satan, craftily cunned and persuated her to eat of the forbidden tree and promised that in the day she would do so she would be as God. Now this is the first sin commited on the face of the earth, the first sin of the creation being the rebellion of Satan. Afterward Eve gave the fruit to Adam so he could eat, and he ate, and God knew what they had just done, since He can know everything, and said " Adam, wath have you done, have you not eaten of the forbidden fruit you and your wife". Now because both Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden tree they where both chastised, they lost their state of immortality and suffering was brought to all mankind, their where also banished from the garden of Eden, where eternal happiness dwelt, but soon afterward he promosed them a savior, messiah. Soon afterward Adam and Eve concieved and brought forth a child and named him Cain, after Cain another child was born and they called his name Abel. There came a time when Cain and Abel both made an offering to God, and Abel"s offering, came to please God, but Cain offering ran short of pleasing the lord, who created the universe. Out of anger, envy and jealousy, Cain rose his hand to strike his brother Abel and he killed him. The blood of Abel cried all the way to heaven, and God came to Cain and said; " where is your brother Cain?", Cain replied, " am I my brother"s keeper that I should know where he is now?". But the Lord knew and said;"Cain wath is that you have done, your brother"s blood in lying here on the ground his body slayed by your hand". Now God being just and good said to Cain;" because you have killed your brother Abel, curse is your name, you shall become a wanderer over the face of the earth". At the time the first human being where made they had the priviledge of marrying between brothers and sisters, the practice abolished latter in hystory and called incest. So the world beacame to be populated, and corruption was in mens heart. The time came for a righteous man to see the day, and his name was called Noah, who was chosen by God to save the human race because everyone"s intentions on earth was evil wxcept for his, and God told Noah to build an ark and bring his sons and son"s wife, along with his own wife and a pair of every animal to enter the ark after it was finished, so that they might be saved from the deluge. And God said;" I will send rain for forthy days upon the earth and all the land will be submerged, and there will be an inundation over all the planet to kill every human flesh on earth because of its sinfull nature, and you and your family will be saved in the ark, which will float on the waters until the waters recede and dry land comes to appear". So it was, the flood came and all humankind was killed except for the faithfull Noah and his family. Now thereafter, God made a promised to Noah and said;" I will never again strike and kill all human flesh on the face of the earth, for from their birth evil lies within them", and it was so. So God made a rainbow in the sky to remind him of his promise. And all the earth became soon afterward corrupted again. After the death of Noah another figure was born. Another faithful man and chosen one would come to appear to worship god in a righteouss way, and god loved him. His name was Abraham. It came to pass that God told Abraham to leave his country for another one which he would inherit and god told Abrahamthat of his posterity all the mens of the earth would be blessed, and his childrens would be as many as the stars of heaven. And from Abraham the messiah would come from, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Now Abraham had two wifes and the first one gave him a child whose name was Ishmael, and from his second wife another son would be born and his name was called Isaac. At a certain time God tried Abraham and gave him command tokill and offer his son Isaac as a sacrafice on an altar. Abraham followed his directives and when he came about to slay his son his hand was witheld from striking him, and God saved the child"s life, as if an angel kept his hand from killing his well beloved son. Abraham"s faith was tried and Abraham succeded. Now from Isaac two children"s would come to see the light, one was called Essau and the other Jacob. Jacob"s name was changed to Israel and from him the twelve tribes of Israel would immerge.