The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is also called the Holy ghost. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the latter will never enter a sinful (grave sins) body. The Holy Spirit is the power by which Mary being a virgin and knowing no man conceived and gave birth to the messiah, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is also called the Paraclete or comforter. The Holy Spirits is the dispenser of grace. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are, charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, longanmity, mildness, faith, modesty, continence and chastity. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are, wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the lord. The charismata ( other gifts) are, speaking with wisdom, speaking with knowledge, faith, grace of healing, gift of miracles, gift of prophecy, gift of discerning spirit, gift of tongues and the gift of interpreting speaches. This is to say that when one as the Holy Spirit, he is joyfull, patient, good, mild and so on with the other fruits of the Holy Spirit. One also receive gifts such as mentionned above and some person also receive charismata, depending on the individual, one reveive different gifts (charismata).