The liturgicval year
Perode of preparation and reflection, hope and anticipation, celebrating the coming of Jesus Christ and his second coming.
Periode celebrating the birth of our savior.
Period celebrating the revelation of the young messiah, the light of nations and the announcement of easter and movable feast.
Presentation of the lord
Period celebrating the lords presentation in the temple by his mother and foster father.
Period of the great fourthy days fast, of prayers, penance and conversion, also representing the fourthy days fast Jesus observed and the fourthy years Israel wandered in the wilderness towards the promised land. Period of initiation through baptism and confirmation, and of the catechumen entering the rank of the elect.
Passion sunday
Period celebrating the enterance of our lord in Jerusalem, where he will face his passion.
Paschal triduum
Period of three days celebrating the passover, representing the deliverance of the israelites from slavery.
Periode of fifthy days celebrating the risen Lord, Glorified and triumphant over mortality.
period celebrating the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the church
Ordinary time
Period celebrating solemnities, feasts amd memorial of the lord and Saints