The last things
Death is the seperation of the body and the soul, at the time of death, the body returns to the earth and the soul remains immortal.
Particular judgment
At the time of death every one is judge and this judgment is called the particular judgment. Another form of judgment will happen when jesus Christ, our lord will come back at the second ressurection.
Purgatory is a place where the soul of the dead body who are not in mortal sin goes to be purified. In that state eternal happiness cannot be gained.
Heaven is the place of the blessed, where eternal happiness reings. it is the place of the saints and the abode of the good angels, in heaven there will be no more sufferings, no more sadness, it will be constant joy.
When a person dies in mortal sin he goes to hell and is tormented by evil angels. Hell is a place of eternal punishment and the place where satan dwells, where the worm never dies. The worm that never dies according to tradition, is the remorse of a guilty conscience. Hell is a place of sadness and despaire.
Final judgment
At the second ressurection, when all the good and evil ones shall be brought to life again with their body's, there will be a second ressurection, and the final judgment will come to pass, and the good will be set on the right, as the Lord's own, his childrens, the evil will be caste to the left to burn in hell.