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The ten commandments

The ten commandments

Jesus said, if you want to live forever keep the commandments. Every commandments prescribes actions for onr to keep

First commandment

To have only one God and to love him with all your strenght all your might and all your mind

Sins against

Idolatry, witchcraft, spiritism, divination, astrology, mesmerism, hypnotism(might be accepted if medical), magic(might be accepted if no diabolical intervention and is white magic), irreligion, sacriledge, fortune-telling, neglecting prayers, breaking vows

Second commandment

Thou shall not take the Lord thy God's name in vain

Sins against

Blasphemy, false oaths, falsly swearing, perjury, simony

Third commandment

Thou shall keep holy the sabbath of the lord, six days thou shall work, but on the seventh day everyone shall rest. ( sundays and holidays observance)

Sins against

working without permission from the church, etc... .

" Under this commandment the six commandments of the church are included


Observance of sundays and holidays



Third and fourth

To do penance and receive holy communion


Contribute to the support of the pastor


Marriage prohibitions

Fourth commandment

Thou shall honor thy father and thy mother all thy life

Sins against

Disrespect towards our mather and father
Disrespect towards children's
Disrespect towards state officials
Disrespect towards superior

Fifth commandment

Thou shall not kill

Sins against

Murder, duel( unless sent by officer ), suicide, mutilation ( unless medical), criminal anger, envy, criminal hatred, scandal

Sixth commandment and ninth

Thou shall not commit adultery

Sins against

Impure thoughts, impure desires, impure words, impure actions, immodest looks, incest, gluttony, unchastety, unsobriety

Seventh commandment

Thou shall not steel

Sins against

Theft( unless for grave reason, necessity...), robbery, cheating, usury, non payment of depts, injuring thr propriety of another

Eight commandment

Thou shall not lie

Sins against

Forbids detraction of neighbours, false witness, slander, flattery, hypocrisy

Ninth commandment

See sixth commandment

Tenth commandment

Thou shall not covet thy neighbour's belongings

Sins against

Socialism, unlawful means depraving our neighbour's proprety


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