Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Trinity
The last things
The ten commandments
The church
The liturgical year
Supplement ( apologetics)



Baptism is the key to receive all other sacraments, by being baptized a person is forgiven any sins he may have commited before his baptism and, also, baptism washes away the stain of original sin. By being baptized a person becomes a new man and is received in God's kingdom as his own adopted childrens and they become coheritor of the kingdom along with Jesus Christ. Also by being baptized one receive the Holy Spirit and his fruits. A character is also bestowed upon the Baptized. There is three forms of baptism, baptism of water, baptism of desire, baptism of blood.

By being confirmed a person is strengthened in faith, he becomes a christian soldier. A character is bestowed upon him by receiving the sacrament, and the Holy Spirit is received in greater amount. According to canon law, confirmation is not essential for a person to be saved, nevertheless, it should not be neglected.

Holy communion
The holy communion or the eucharistic celebration was instituded at the Lord's last supper in the presence of his apostles before his death, and the Lord said; " take all of you and drink, this is my blood, the blood of the new alliance that will be shed for many for the remission of sins". Before the consecration there is bread and wine, after the consecration by the priest, the bread and wine"s appearence remains but it is changed in the body and blood of the lord.

Penance or confession is like a second baptism a person receive after being baptized, to receive the forgivness of his sins, if he falls after being baptized. If a person is well disposed forgivness can not be refused, every sins will be forgiven except the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which will not be remited neighter in this life or the one to come. Usually a satisfaction as to be obtaines from the penitent and a penance is given, such as prayers or fasting, or public apologies. An act of contrition or attrition as to be made from the penitent.

Extreme onction
This sacrament is administered to christians who are sick and in danger of death. Oil is used and applied on the five senses and the reception of the sacrament gives an increase of grace and of strenght to the patients and furthermore, the sick person can be healed and made well.

Holy orders
By the reception of the holy orders a character is bestowed on the candidate and an office or position is given him. there is seven orders in the catholic church, four minors orders and three major orders. The minor orders are; the porter, the lector, the exorcist and the acolyte. The three major order are; sub-deacon, the deacon and the priest. ( the bishop is considered the plenitude of the priesthood.)

The dissolution of the matrimonial bond is primordially undissoluable, but can be dissolved in certain circumstances. Every action must be taken to save the mariage before a seperation or divorce can be seeked for. Before mariage the pastor's duty is to offer counselling for the person seeking marriage and questions are asked by the pastors to make sure the marriage is not unlawful. Parents are supposed to be the representative of God, they have to educate their childrens especially concerning religion, and they must provide for their childrens needs until they are mature enough to be independent. Mariage was instituded for the procreation of the human race, and for the married couple to be of mutual help, etc... .

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